
Your practice. Your body. Your Yoga.

Yoga is an incredibly healing and restorative practice. I’m passionate about introducing people to Yoga so they can learn and practice skills to support their physical and mental health so they are more comfortable to be their authentic self.

It can be hard to find time for yourself. So I make each Yoga practice about You. It’s your practice, your class, your body, Your Yoga. I teach so that we can explore how our body is feeling, how our mind is tempered and to bring us to a balanced place. Each day our body and mind is different and mindful Hatha Yoga takes you to a place to explore this. What feels good? Where is sore? How can you help this? What breaths support your different moods? Questioning to discover more to support ourselves through life and coming from a kind and compassionate place.

We only get one body; let's treat it with the love, kindness and compassion it deserves.

Namaste, Emily


My Yoga Journey…

began in 2001 when my curiosity drew me to learn yoga. I was hooked and attended 3 classes a week.

My love of yoga continued to build and culminated in 2018 when I decided to use Yoga to heal my mind and body that was burning out. I decided to become a Hatha Yoga teacher. Studying, and devoting my full time to yoga, lead to incredible discoveries about the subject, about our energetic body and about yoga as a healing modality for mind, body, eyes, energy and soul. My passion for yoga continues to grow and I have seen fantastic improvements in my overall health. It’s these benefits I always want to bring to my students.

My style of yoga is centred on teaching a healing and explorative class this is individual to each person. When I set out teaching, I wanted to provide a class that I would love to attend and feel better afterwards. Blessed, people loved my style, classes have grown and I watch people transform during each class. 

I continue to study & learn yoga, meditation, and a multitude of facets around it. tapping, mantras, mudras, pranayama, energy work. Sharing the nuggets each week with my students allows them to continually learn and benefit from my growing knowledge. I love to enable them to help themselves. 

In 2019 I discovered Energy Medicine Yoga created by Lauren Walker who combined yoga and Eden Energy Medicine. It was a game-changer. I did my Foundation EMYoga Teacher Training summer of 2020 and in 2021 started the four-year Advanced Teacher’s Training. It just gets better and better as I learn how to speak my body’s language and teach others to do the same. Simply, magical.

Your practice. Your body. Your Yoga.

If you have already visited a class online or in person you can send me a text to book in a lesson - 07852 100 292


You can call me to book onto a class or use the form below, whichever is more convenient.

“Emily’s Yoga and meditation classes are balm for my Soul”