Energy Medicine Yoga®

Energy Medicine Yoga® is an integrative practice combining Energy Medicine techniques like tapping, acupressure holds, and neurolymphatic reflex self-massage into your classic yoga practice. It is adaptable to any style of yoga and the signature sequence you can start NOW and continue daily is the EMYoga Wake-Up.

What is Energy Medicine Yoga®?

EMYoga® works with the 9 energy systems of the body within the context of a yoga practice to bring the underlying energy into balance. From there, the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of our lives can more easily come into balance and healing. By pairing the power of Energy Medicine with the power of Yoga, both systems gain power and efficacy.

History of EMYoga:

Donna Eden is the creator of Eden Energy Medicine and the teacher of Lauren Walker, the creator of EMYoga. Donna has a gift and is able to see energy - her personal story is remarkable. In her mid-twenties, Donna was bedridden with MS and suffered a heart attack. The doctors told her to get her affairs in order. Donna could always see the energy of her body - where it was moving in an odd way, or where it wasn’t moving at all. She began to discover techniques to repair her energy system and healed herself of MS. She’s now in her 70’s! Unbeknownst to Donna, a lot of the techniques she was using and what she was seeing were derived from Chinese Medicine, Hindu philosophy, Ancient Celtic practices, and other ancient healing techniques. She went on to create Innersource, her Eden Energy Medicine School, to train people in this comprehensive healing modality.

Lauren Walker is a student of yoga and studied with many of modern yoga’s most influential teachers. At a crossroads in her life, she had the chance to study more yoga, or go down the path of miracles. To her, it was a no-brainer. She went for the miracle-inducing work of Donna Eden and has never looked back. Lauren studied intensively Donna’s system and methods and continues to study with Donna Eden. After studying Donna’s work, Lauren felt it to be both transformational and instinctual to combine Energy Medicine into her Yoga practice. From this, Energy Medicine Yoga was created. Lauren has written two books on Energy Medicine Yoga, runs teacher training across the US, and is featured in Yoga Journal, DailyOM, and on many other health & wellness platforms.

Principles of Energy:

◆ Energy wants to move and needs space to move

◆ Energy moves in patterns

◆ Energy forms habits and can be repatterned to form healthier habits

◆ Energy has priorities, and these priorities are consistent

◆ Energy is affected by thoughts, the environment, and the people we come into contact with.

“The primary reason EMYoga is so powerful is that we are taking the densest energy, our physical form, and opening up space within it so that our more subtle energies can also move.”

There are 9 energy systems: in a traditional yoga class, you most likely learn one of these energy systems - the Chakras. In EMYoga we address all 9 - the ones we will focus on for today, are the meridians.

Meridians: are like roadways carrying energy around the whole body, corresponding to specific organs.

The gaits: Beginning and endpoints of the meridians on the fingers and toes (practice naming them seated...easy way to clear energy) - At home, can use oil to clear gaits.

Neurolymphatic Reflex Points: Points along the body that trigger the release of toxins from your lymphatic system.

◆ This is a Self-massage technique common in EMYoga classes to help promote self-care and self-love,

◆ EMYoga builds a deep love and appreciation for yourself and your body, just as you are!

Energy Flows where your Attention Goes!

Let’s clear our energy! The EMYoga is designed to realign, stabilize, and harmonize your energy for healing.