Registration form for Resilo

Health Form for Resilo Treatments

Please complete 24 hours prior to your appointment.

Registration and payment

It is recommended to book two treatments the first time you have Resilo.

Account Details: Emily Theodorou Perrier | 90575623 | 20 47 34

What to wear?

Treatment is done over clothes; please wear loose, long sleeved clothes.

Please complete the registration form below.

Resilo is a Reflex Therapy and is given fully clothed. It is a gentle yet effective Complementary Therapy for physical injury and body stress. It is the drug-free way to a pain-free and fully functioning body. Straighten out any body ailments you might have. Resilo works uniquely by addressing what causes pain – the physical stress and strain locked in the body tissues. Resilo can help with body stresses, acute and chronic aches, strains, injuries past & present, sports injuries, and tension.

Resilo means to spring back, to change back, make resilient.